Blue Christmas

I’ve never really dealt with loss. I mean, I’ve had the loss of houses and marriages, but never real loss. Of course, I didn’t know that at the time. At the time, I thought I was losing a lot with those things, but they’re just things. Turns out nothing compares to the loss you feel when someone dies. Or, in my case, is about to die. How awful is that? Looking at someone and knowing they are about to die? It’s pretty fucking awful. I’ve posted before, about my mom. Well, we thought she was better but she’s not. I’ve been sitting with this for about a month now.

Your mom’s going to die. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.

My boyfriend’s dad passed away last year in a sudden and horrific way. It was bad. He wasn’t right for a month or two after, did all sorts of crazy things that he regretted so much he lied to everyone about it, but that’s what you do when you’re ashamed. Grief is a strange thing and affects people differently. I’m starting to do crazy things and not care about things and let the weight of ‘any day now, any day now’ push me down flat on the ground. But life has to go on and people don’t have a reason to act crazy when someone is still alive. It’s only after that you’re given an allowance to freak out. I think it would be better for it to be sudden. Better than waking up every day to ‘any day now, any day now.

Tammy Babich

Tears creep up on me at weird times. My mind works in an odd, non-linear way to begin with so thoughts randomly find their way into the forefront of my mind and bring me to my knees. Like, just now when I thought back to a moment before things got really bad with my mom’s mind – a few months after my husband and I separated. She was in and out even then, sort of with us, then not with us. I was telling her about the amazing guy I’d just met, and her eyes caught mine and focused, you know, really focused like when someone is listening to every word you say. She started to cry and asked me if I was happy and I said yes and she shook her head and turned back to the TV, then sort of went away again. That was probably the last conversation I had with her that made any kind of sense. Then last Christmas she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and things have gone downhill from there. Now the home hospice nurse comes to help my dad and he says things like ‘we’re just taking it one day at a time right now, we can’t make any plans’ and ‘I think your mom is worse than we think.’

My mom’s favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas and she always said she wanted one. If she makes it, we’re going to have Christmas at my house and my son and I are going to decorate like a winter wonderland – fake snow and all. My dad doesn’t know if she’ll last that long, so it will probably be more of a blue Christmas than a white one. The home hospice chaplain convinced him to tell some of the rest of the family, which he did today and now comes the outpouring of love – that will probably just be kind of a burden right now because people will want to come see her and neither of them are in any kind of shape for that. He made me promise to keep everything off Facebook, but a writer gotta write and no one reads this blog anyway. Like I said, maybe sudden is better? But either way it sucks. It just plain sucks. So, I guess, if you love someone – maybe tell them. Like, right now. Pick up the phone and send a text, make a call, make a post, send an email – whatever. Life’s too short not to.

~In memory: Tamera Louise Babich | 1/31/56 – 11/28/18

39…and Counting

I’ll be 39 in less than a month. It’s possible I’m having a hard time with it. Everyone said 30 would be rough for me, but it wasn’t at all. I’d just signed my first book contract, gotten a promotion at work, was living in a house I’d built from the ground up and loved, and at the time, my marriage was going well. So, what’s different now? Well, first of all, I haven’t published a book since 2013. Am I writing? No. Not like I should be. I have six things in progress (cuz literary schizophrenia) but I’m not making time for it. Don’t be a writer, be writing. I am working on something that calls to me more than the others, as it mirrors my own life. Fiction? Yes. But pulled from reality for sure. I would like to finish that book by the end of the year. Yes. I’ve just decided. I am going to finish that book by the end of the year. It’s under my Pen Name, which I’m changing. It was Lee Ralaine (my middle names) and I’m going to Christina Wulff, because, that’s just a damn good name for a romance author.

Speaking of Wulff…

The other thing different is that I’m not married anymore. Well, one signature away from not being married anymore anyway. In the end it was a mutual decision, so don’t cry for me Argentina. It was the best move for both of us and I hold no resentment toward him. He did the best he could. I am, as you know if you follow this blog, seeing someone and his last name is Wulff. It’s just a good name, right? I’m completely obsessed with the whole wolf/wulff thing. I’ve even been playing around with True North 2 ideas ( ) though, that’s not the thing I was talking about earlier. (See. Schizophrenia.) I’ve become enthralled with wolf fantasy art and have a few cute shirts, phone cases – it’s a whole thing. He’s younger than me and this may be another reason 39 is getting to me. No, I don’t look it – but at some point I will. Right? Oily skin can’t save you forever. Though, my dad is 70 and looks 50…so there’s that.

The rest is very similar – got a promotion at work and love my job, just moved into my DREAM house that I built from the ground up, just bought myself a new car (2018 cutest-thing-you’ve-ever-seen Civic) and overall life is pretty good.

So, why is this hard for me? I honestly can’t say.

Perhaps it’s just the good old march of time reminding me that life is half over. That I’ve only got so many years left to see Ireland and go to Tomorrowland (which is most certainly a thing before I’m too old lol). Is this what a mid-life crisis is? One could argue yes. Threw my husband out, got a hot, young boyfriend and a cute new car. *looks around* I mean, sometimes you just have to do something drastic and take a chance. Sometimes you just have to stand up and say, this is my life and I’m at the point where I can afford to live it the way I want to. There is a moment when you stop and say to yourself, I’ve spent ALL of my life taking care of everyone else and doing the best I can. My turn. And, I guess that’s where I’m at.

Happy almost birthday to me. Karma – it’s me and you, kid. Let’s shake some shit up.

30 y/o me – 39 y/o me