Here We Go Again

Well, three names in three years will confuse anyone so here’s where we’re at folks:

2018: Christy Trujillo

2019: Christy Babich

2020: Christy Wulff

But that just shows you how quickly life can change. Lately, I’ve been enjoying the journey and trying to take life as it comes. Well, mostly I’ve been consumed with planning a wedding so WW3 could have broken out and I wouldn’t have known.

I can’t believe I’m having a wedding. But I am. In truth, my Ex’s mom and my mom completely ruined my first wedding for me. They fought and bickered the entire time until I was pretty much like – ‘okay, tell me when and where and I’ll be there.’ It was a miserable experience and then the day went by so fast I just felt like it wasn’t worth it. No one cried. My mom got pretty drunk. The first fight we had, my Ex threw away most of the pictures (this was before the wonderful world of social media so we just had good old-fashioned prints). The only highlight was dancing with my dad.

This time is different though. This time, people are helping me, not taking over. This time everything means something. The song I’m walking to, we wrote our own vows, he’s picking the song to play after we kiss, the song we’re dancing to…everything means something to me. My best friend is my maid of honor and has killed it. I appreciate her more than I can say. (See pic to the right of us at my bachelorette party, which is, in fact, the best picture we’ve ever taken.) Maybe because I’m just…happy. And happy girls are the prettiest.

I firmly believe there are lessons we must learn in every phase of our life and once you learn said lesson, you sort of graduate to the next phase. I think I’m moving into the ‘advanced studies’ phase. Still much to learn, but plenty of lessons under my belt. I would like to write again. For myself, not just for work. I had a hard time for a while sitting down to write and it being anything other than leftover, unsaid words to people who have either left this earth, my life or those I wish would leave my life. I’m more at peace now though, putting old ghosts to bed and whatnot. So maybe this time next year, you’ll be reading about the completion of my next novel. The question is, which one? I have no idea, but it sure will look good published under the name Christy Wulff and that I know for a fact.

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One thought on “Here We Go Again

  1. I personally cannot wait for your next novel and seeing it under Christy Wulff will make it so much sweeter! I am so glad that you found your person. It’s a beautiful thing to see you so happy!

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